LOVE & LIGHT TO ALL...Love & Compassion is the only thing that will save us all!
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Diet and lifestyle play a large part in your body's ability to clear a health condition. The reason the immune system needs help staying ‘alert and ready’ is because of toxins the body is exposed to physically as well as emotionally.
There are three primary categories that are essential (not including emotional, spiritual).
According to medical science, the human body completely renews itself every 7 years! The cornea replaces itself every 24 hours, the skin every 14 days, the blood cells every 90 days, the soft tissue every 6 months, and the dense tissue every 2-7 years.
Allowing your body to return to its original homeostasis where it can heal and regenerate itself is the answer. The key to creating new cells is detoxification.
The miracle of healing was created in each of us. This is not a theory, it is a scientific fact.
Organ tissues of the body store and process emotions. This influences how well we will process the emotional experience connected to that system.
Be conscious of where you spend your time as the investment of time is the investment of life. Are you living it or watching it go by in reality shows, in criticism, in bitterness, in a bar? Take time and place importance into thanking people, showing respect and courteousness to everyone. No person is better than another.
Get rid of things you no longer need. Clean up and clean out closets, sheds, attics, basements, your car or any place where you stash things. If you are too sick or busy to do it, hire someone to help you. When you give away old things, you unconsciously rid yourself of old problems. Give freely with no strings attached, which means no stipulations when you give, and expect nothing in return.
You cannot achieve success in any area of life without investing something into it. Ten percent of your income to those less fortunate. A percent of your time and skill to those who may not be able to pay you for your expertise. Where you place your money is where your faith is.
An imbalance of emotion indicates imbalance of the referenced system.
LOVE: Dopamine together with norepinephrine create the feelings of love.
ANGER: If norepinephrine levels get high and serotonin levels are low, anger, rage and aggressive behavior occur.
EUPHORIA: Dopamine is thought to be the hormone which produces the feelings of euphoria.
FAITHFULNESS: Oxytocin is associated with feeling nurtured or cared for. It creates feelings of loyalty, faithfulness, and community.
If you have never faced your negative experiences and allowed them to process, they are still in you. That is the true depth and the true cause of physical disease.
Our psychological profile is set by the time we are 7 years old,.
This means that everything that happens to us before the age of 7 is what molds us into the mental-emotional creatures we become later in life.
All decisions we make may actually be wrong because proper emotional ground work was never set. We are compounding the pain and hurt and it continues to form until it takes its toll on some level, either emotionally, psychologically or physically.
The only way to find and heal some of the things that have our foundation set up incorrectly, is to meditate.
One of the main purposes for meditation is to go within and truly know yourself. To know yourself means to find any negative aspects about self that may need healing.
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